Monday, August 20, 2007

Dancing the latino way!

I'm taking antibiotics and shouldn't drink alcohol or do sports but I still had a brilliant weekend! Went shopping for a bed after work on Friday and ordered a bed that is so comfortable I already dream of how well I will sleep! :) I went to bed early after eating pizza with my flatmate and his girlfriend.

On Saturday I cruised around town on my bike and decided to buy a cruiser bike. I cruised by a really good wushu club in Bockenheim (north-west Frankfurt) and watched them practice. They were good and I got really inspired. (Bloody antibiotics!!!)

Then I cruised by the Museum of Communications and watched the Globalisierung 2.0 excibition. Nothing new, really, but it got a good overview. Globalisation is a good thing but transportation is just way too cheap! And the multinationals live in a world above laws and respect for nature nor humanity. This is where the fight has to take place - the return of humanity and the rescue of nature. (When I say rescue of nature I mean this: Nature will always win, nature will still be there when the last man has died (unless we manage to blow the whole earth to pieces (not unlikely).) So I got the address to Greenpeace here in Frankfurt...

Filled with thoughts about the state of the world I continued up the Berger Strasse (something like Linnégatan in Göteborg) and visited Andrea&Elias. We then went to a party at a Peruan couple and danced 'til midnight. I haven't had so much fun on the dancefloor without alcohol ever! Except some bugg sessions with Angelica. (Bugg is a swedish dance that have a somewhat geeky reputation but makes a hell of a lot of fun with its speed and coordination.)

Sunday then was calm: Eating a long breakfast. Playing with Elias. Strolling in Günthersburg Park. Studying Spanish in the sun at the Main.

A nice weekend, indeed.

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