Saturday, June 02, 2012

Crossfit for real #1?

I booked my pass, I turned up (yesterday) and it was empty!  :( The guys had left a bit earlier for a crossfit event in Denmark. I called them up and got this (with some laughter in the background):

Tabata pushups
Tabata squats
Tabata burpees

WTF!? But said and done and, seriously, I love tabatas.  :)

Monday, September 08, 2008

New times need new blogs

I don't want my blog to be any kind of diary, watch some soap shit on TV if you want that crap, but inevitably my life comes into anything I write. So, I've spent more than a year i Frankfurt, pretty far from home, after all, and I feel it's time to move on. I have learned a lot, having had good time to contemplate life as well as living it. So I move my thoughts into my new blog The word according to Auvinen. I hope it will be worth reading and checking out every now and then.

Over and out

Monday, August 11, 2008

Kloka röster finns trots allt

Just som jag började misströsta efter pophögerinlägget finner jag denna mer insatta bloggpost. Skönt att veta att det trots allt finns kloka röster där ute.

Pophögern - ignorance is a bliss

Googlade för att hitta stavingen på "laissez faire" och råkade stöta på denna otäcka sajt. Nåt litet pophögerbarn som hyllar kapitalismen och dissar socialismen utan att fatta nåt, om jag fattat saken rätt. Det ar otäckt att kapitalismen blivit så poppig, att folk tackar den för allt gott vi har. Visst, jättebra att vi har det materiellt bättre, men att tro att allt bara går ut på prylar är ju sorgligt. Och skrämmande eftersom de inte ser baksidan. Vi handlar ju billigt bara för att kostnaderna flyttat till andra sidan världen där fattiga och miljon får ta smällen. Ignorance is a bliss... Förbannade popnörd.

Detta citat (om idrott) säger en hel del: "En liberal vision för idrotten skulle inte bli något program. Det finns nämligen inget att skriva. I ett liberalt samhälle skulle medborgarna få klara sitt idrottande på egen hand, utan några 'hjälpande händer'".

Visst tenderar stater och andra institutioner (läs EU) att lägga sig i för mycket, men att tro att det bästa vore om vi bara sköter vårt eget visar vilken trygg liten ankdam ungen vuxit upp i. Och hans totala brist på fantasi och empati.

Friday, July 11, 2008

The importance of languages

I write daily in English, Swedish and German. At least. Often also in Finnish and Spanish. And I have noticed lately how many words are missing from the English language.

If you count the number of words in English, it might lead you to think the language is very rich, but this is not the case. Sure, there are twice as many words in English than Swedish, but at the same time there are som many things that lack a word in English. Correct me if I'm wrong, but is there a word for "snuvig"? No, you need to say you're having a runny nose. Förkyld? You're cold. Very ambiguous, if you ask me.

So, all these words in English, what are they for? They're all synonyms! A waste, I'd say. Sure enough, it's nice to choose a word that exactly tells you something, but what good is that when there are so many things you can't tell at all...

So, English is a poor language. If you take that another step - does that make the English-speaking people poor too, mentally? Might be provocative, but I'd say yes. This is of course not limited to English, I'd say everybody who knows more than one language has an advantage.

Why? Because the language stops you, it limits your creative thinking. If there are things without words, those things don't exist. I was raised speaking two completely different languages (Finnish and Swedish), then three (you hear English on TV and everywhere in Sweden), then four (a second language education used to start in 7th grade), and all these languages expands your mental horizon - you realize there are other ways to say the same thing, other views on the same phenomenon. We're all so different but still so alike.

This would explain why the sociaties using English (Great Britain and the USA) are so conservative and seem to have a hard time to think outside the box.

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Bloggers are a threat?

This is cool! There seems to be a war going on. After the pathetic FRA law was voted for in Sweden and the power of the blogs was shown, it seems like some politicians are scared! Poor conservative idiots... Anything new is scary, ey? No, it's just another set of opportunities! To make laws controlling it, some seem to think... Sigh

Blogger registration in EU???

What the f...? Ok, democracy is challenged and freedom of speech and people is constantly getting less in these crazy days of post 9/11. But that pull backwards has mostly been driven by the dear old US. The conservative geeks of EU don't want to be worse though!

Latest idiocy coming from EU: Marianne Mikko (from Estonia, let's hope her fucked-up views are to be blamed on USSR) wants to register and control bloggers! She seriously thinks that freedom of speech would be improved if you could see the name and picture of the blogger. Has she ever in her life been outside Europe? Would anyone in, let's say China, dare to speak out if they new the government could get your arse???

Wow. And this idiot is representing us Europeans. That's a scary thought...

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Too little peace...

I know I'm not well when I have no time to write in my blog! I need to write more often, no doubt. If I don't write it's a sign that I have too little time for reflection and thought. And even my company admits reflection is the basis for learning. And without learning, we're not living...

But I'm sure it will all get better. I have been doing great, but too much - snowboarding, running, hashing, gong-fu, travels, hiking... I'm just about to move out of my room in the Frankfurt whore area (by the central train station of course) and move into a more quiet part of town, Bornheim, filled with cafees and bars. That will be good. And I should find a new therapist as well. That is money well spent!

So, more of this soon. :)

Stayed put for too long

If you land on Heathrow and you think the people actually look quite good, you know something's wrong! Yeah, I've been in Frankfurt way too long...

Or could it be that I've actually been here too little? I mean, I've been all around central Europe, haven't been home in the past 7 months, really. And, just as usual, instead of taking care of things bothering me I have just continued running. That's exactly what I told myself not to do anymore when I got here!

But now I have almost moved in to my new place. In Bornheim, a quiet place filled with cafes, where I will - finally - come to peace. Or???

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Being spoilt

Last entry was about boredom. A luxury decease...

Tonight I read a short story by Agnes von Krusenstjerna: Stulet nyår (Stolen new-year). It's about a woman in her forties, early last century. She was old, tired, gray, run-down and dirty, had never been kissed, had never eaten herself full, never been warm enough.

On New Year's eve she was watching the house of her master. She had already watered the flowers and should have left. But she stayed, tried the Missus clothes, felt their delicate fabric and texture, walked on the soft carpets, combed herself with a silver comb and felt all wonderful smells. Someone called to wish the family a happy end to the year, to her! She was in heaven. She forgot all about her gray shed, the cold, the rats, her hard bed.

While reading I realized what a spoiled little brat I am! I have more clothes than enough, can eat more than enough every day, have been kissed by too many, I am young, clean, strong and healthy, full of energy. What the hell am I complaining about??? Oh, I don't have a girl-friend! Oh, I can't buy everything I want! Oh, I don't know what shoes to buy! What the hell? Wake up! You're a privileged man! Enjoy it! And be thankful, brat.