Tuesday, July 17, 2007

A worse day...

I new it couldn't last for ever... I didn't sleep one bit tonight. Not very good - it was after all the first day at my new workplace! But I think I managed to shape up enough at least...

The weather is milder today, but my hotel room is still a sauna. So I figured I will leave, even though I've payed until tomorrow morning (there was no way I could get the energy to pack this morning). Anyway. I surf the Net for hotels and find what seems to be a bargain! So I make a reservation for a week and go visit the hotel before packing my things. But it turns out (of course!) that there's no air conditioning in the hotel! FUCK! But it turns out that cancelling the room would still cost me 80%. So I'm stuck between bad and worse - live with the heat or loose a whole bunch of money. FUCK! FUCK! FUCK!

So, here I sit in the hot hotel room thinking what the hell to do. I'm so tired I might fall over dead any minute now... But I think I will have to live with my mistake. (It's a good lesson after all - you always have to take the consequences of your actions. Unfortunately! ;) So I will have to pack it all up, check out and walk to the other hotel. And hope it won't be as hot! Or check in to another hotel (with air-con) and try to face the fact I'd pay for 3 hotel rooms simultaneously... God damn... And the silly thing is my company pays the hotel bills so why did I even try to save any money in the first place???? Oh, man, I sure hope tomorrow will be better.