Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Imprecaciones en español

Hola amigos! Welcome to the very first course in Spanish foul language. :)

Estoy cachondo - se me paró. I'm horny - with a hard-on.
Chúpame el pito! Suck my dick!
pito, pene, vergo cock, dick, penis, etc use your imagination
panocha cunt (South American style)
Pinche puto maricon! Fuckin' gay gay!
Chinga a tu madre! Fuck your mum!
Quiero chichis - grandes y firmes! I want big firm tits (South American style)
Quiero tetas - grandes y firmes! I want big firm tits (Spanish style)
culo ass
puta whore
cabrones asshole
cojones balls
pendejo asshole
pendeja bitch
Mierda! Damn!
Puta madre! Fuckin' fuck!

Ok, let's round up with some more positive phrases...

Estás deliciosa! You're delicious!
Mola mazo, bronco! That's so cool, dude!
Tienes una sonrita bonita. You have a pretty smile.

1 comment:

Jarmo Lindmark said...

hahaha this is so great dude!!

Espero que todos aprendan algo y que las usen en su vida diaria!! jajaj

Besitos ;)