Wednesday, October 17, 2007

I'm not a blogger after all, am I?

Blogging wasn't all that easy after all. Well, sure, it serves its original purpose being a place for me to write down my thoughts and reflections. But going from there to create a blog that actually would interest other people is tough. Friends come here every now and then, or others that have met me. But in order for it to become a true blog I would need to write more regularly, probably every day, and maybe also keep some kind of focus on what I write about.

All that doesn't interest me. I don't have time to write every day - I have a life to live! I have to take care of my mental and physical health, my relations with other people, make sure I earn money to survive... Blogging just doesn't give me enough to motivate me to write more often.

Good to know. Lesson learned.

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